Real-time dynamic
Through a marriage of spiral computed tomography (CT) and graphical volumetric image processing, CT angiography was born 20 years ago. Fueled by a series of technical innovationsin CT and image processing, over the next 5–15 years, CT angiography toppledconventional angiography, the undisputed diagnostic reference standard forvascular disease for the prior 70 years, as the preferred modality for thediagnosis and characterization of most cardiovascular abnormalities.
This review recounts the evolution of CT angiography from its development and early challenges to a maturingmodality that has provided unique insights into cardiovascular diseasecharacterization and management. Selected clinical challenges, which includeacute aortic syndromes, peripheral vascular disease, aortic stent-graft andtranscatheter aortic valve assessment, and coronary artery disease, arepresented as contrasting examples of how CT angiography is changing ourapproach to cardiovascular disease diagnosis and management.
Finally, the recently introduced capabilities for multispectral imaging, tissue perfusion imaging, and radiationdose reduction through iterative reconstruction are explored with considerationtoward the continued refinement and advancement of CT angiography.
Driven by profound technologic advances, CT angiography has emerged as the dominant imaging modality fordiagnosis and planning management of vascular diseases.
CT angiography has provided new insights into the pathophysiology and natural history of acute aorticsyndromes.
Optimized CT angiographic technique enables comprehensive assessment of peripheral arterial disease.
The advancement of trans catheter cardiovascular therapies, including aortic stent-graft deployment and aorticvalve implantation, are linked to insights provided by CT angiography.
Innovations in CT technology are providing unprecedented opportunities to further enhance the safety andclinical value of CT angiography.
The past 20 years have witnessed a remarkable transformation in the diagnosis and characterization of vascular disease. The1990s were a particularly golden period in vascular diagnosis and therapy withthe introduction of computed tomographic(CT) angiography, contrastmaterial–enhanced magnetic resonance (MR) angiography, and endovascular repairof aortic aneurysms using stent-grafts.
In the early 1990s nearly every patient preparing to undergo vascular surgery, requiring confirmation of pulmonary embolism, orsuspected of having traumatic aortic injury, intracranial aneurysm, orrenovascular hypertension underwent conventional diagnostic angiography, atechnique that was born in 1924 (1) and substantially refined topresent-day technique with the introduction of the Seldinger guidewire in 1953(2).
Combined with steady improvements in injectors, film changers, and fluoroscopic, radiographic, and subtraction techniques, directarteriography evolved as the reference standard for the diagnosis andcharacterization of all manner of vascular disease. Its strengths were a highspatial resolution and an opportunity for diagnosis and therapeuticintervention during a single session.
Its limitations were the cost, discomfort, and risks of an invasive procedure, particularly when concurrent intervention was notindicated; inability to demonstrate the vessel wall, perivascular tis- sue, andend-organ parenchyma; poor three-dimensional (3D) spatial discrimination owingto the projectional nature of the acquisition; necessity for multiple contrastmaterial injections and repeated doses of ionizing radiation to characterizespatial relationships; and downstream luminal opacification limited byselective arterial injection of contrast material.
MR angiography, first reported in1986 (3,4) was an exciting new technique that was dependent on flow-related enhancement, awaiting further technical improvements that wouldmake it a main- stream diagnostic angiographic modality.
At the same time, conventional CT, acquired with 10 mm-thick sections that were standard for the day (5), was viewed as a maturing technology, having made tremendous inroads into abroad spectrum of medical diagnoses, but was limited for the assessment ofvascular disease with only one mainstream application, assessing aortic rupturerisk by tracking the transverse dimension of abdominal aortic aneurysms.